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This site was made so you can share your ideas for cards or simply quick generate them into a nice printable PDF. Look below for some cards to print, or really drill down under categories to add them to your printlist. Want to stock up before heading to print? Why not make an account to save cards for printing later? Otherwise share your ideas with others to spread the entertainment!
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A blood alcohol level of 0.09.
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A pile of human shit weighing 10 tons
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Broooooooo! Last night was so fucking narly, dude! I got black out drunk and woke up with ____ laying on me!
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Pulling my girlfriend's bloody tampon out of her vagina and then plunging it deep in my asshole
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Next up at 5:00. What you don't know about ____ could kill you.
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____. What is it really? We just don't know.
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Taking photos of dogs, getting those photos of the dogs developed, and then beating off to those same dog photos.
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_____, putting the fun in funeral!
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A Chamber of Financial Ruin
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Retard Strength
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My wife really loves it when I touch her _____
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Watching Youtube videos of shirtless men
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Drew Carey.
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Trying to Get Maple Syrup out of a Whomping Willow
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A pile of human shit weighing 10 tons
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Most Printed Cards
Twenty bucks would buy __________.
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Whats harder than prison?
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When I blacked out, I woke up with __________.
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When I tripped, I fell into __________.
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If I could do __________, I would.
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Where do I see myself in 5 years?
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I woke up this morning to __________.
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Donald Trump
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The Goblet of Fire
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Call the Law Offices of Goldstein & Goldstein because no one should have to tolerate __________ in the workplace.
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The biggest ball of twine in Minnesota.
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The Jews are behind everything -- the government, the banks, even the _____.
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Trying to Get Maple Syrup out of a Whomping Willow
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Being told 'pick a god and pray' before being stabbed with a spork
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____. What is it really? We just don't know.
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Next up at 5:00. What you don't know about ____ could kill you.
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